Advanced Options
Advanced Options

Higher return potential with intelligent trades.


It goes without saying that the majority of investors think that options are too risky or too complicated. But the reality is that if used correctly, options can actually boost your gains... especially if you use them the way Dr. David Eifrig does. And in order to share his method, we created a new service called Advanced Options. To drum up interest for our grand opening, we created this "prospectus" for interested readers, along with case studies from previous trades that were hosted on an accompanying microsite. The idea behind this prospectus was to educate folks on the service, and serve as an extremely soft-sell for the upcoming launch. We targeted a small section of our file and sent them this prospectus via direct mail — which boosted response by close to 50%.

Advanced Options


Well, it's nothing too crazy here... in the spirit of direct response, I wanted to create something clean and easy to read. This piece contains several case studies, a clear explanation of how the service will work, benefits of membership, as well as details on how you can join. I used Kaiser for subheads and page titles (it's condensed so I could use more words and take up less space), and Proxima Nova for the body copy.

Advanced Options Advanced Options


As I mentioned before, we found that the group who received this prospectus via direct mail converted at an almost 50% higher clip than the control group that didn't. We were able to build a healthy and responsive hotlist using this piece, along with the accompanying microsite. All in all, we were very pleased with the results of this campaign.

Advanced Options